Australia's empire
Smartfox Books Code: PR10498
Approx $141.42 USD
New Zealand’s Imperial Legacy: Reassessing the Nation’s Role within the British Empire
This edited collection provides a comprehensive and critical examination of New Zealand’s role as an imperial power and its evolving position within the British Empire. By revisiting and expanding upon existing narratives, the book offers new insights into how New Zealand engaged with imperialism internally, regionally, and globally. It provides a nuanced understanding of New Zealand’s imperial legacy, exploring various dimensions of its influence and interactions within and beyond the British Empire.
Key Aspects Covered in the Book:
Revisiting New Zealand’s Imperial Role: The book challenges traditional views of New Zealand's role within the British
Empire by exploring its imperial influence and actions. It highlights how New Zealand's imperial activities were not only a reflection of
its colonial identity but also an active component of its engagement with empire-building.
Internal Imperialism and Regional Dynamics: The collection examines New Zealand’s internal imperialism, its complex
relationship with Australia, and its role within the Pacific region. It explores how these dynamics shaped New Zealand’s imperial strategies
and cultural identities.
Pacific Empire and Outreach to Antarctica: Special attention is given to New Zealand's expansion into the Pacific and its
outreach to Antarctica. The book discusses how New Zealand's imperial ambitions extended beyond traditional boundaries and how these regions
were integrated into its imperial framework.
Cultural and Imperial Practices: The essays explore cultural histories and practices related to New Zealand's imperial
role. They examine how notions of imperialism were practiced and represented within New Zealand, revealing the impact of imperial ideologies
on cultural and societal developments.
Circulation of Imperial Ideas: The book analyzes the circulation and reception of imperial ideas within and through New
Zealand over time. It provides insight into how these ideas influenced New Zealand's historical trajectory and its interactions with other
imperial powers.
Multidisciplinary Approach: Spanning social, cultural, political, and economic history, the book offers a multidisciplinary
approach to understanding New Zealand’s imperial legacy. The contributors use both historiographical and empirical research to present new
perspectives and challenge established narratives.
Innovative Historiographical and Empirical Research: By testing the concept of New Zealand's empire through innovative
research methodologies, the book contributes to a broader and more nuanced understanding of its historical role and impact.
This volume is essential for scholars and students of imperial history, New Zealand studies, and British Empire history, offering fresh insights into the complexities of New Zealand's imperial legacy and its global interactions.