Royal Agave succulent
Approx $18.68 USD
Agave (Agave spp.) is a large genus of succulents with a great deal of variety. Some plants are quite small, only growing about a foot tall and wide. And others can tower at 10 feet high or more. Most species within the genus produce thick, pointed leaves often with spines along their edges, and they grow in rosette forms. The leaves are often a blue-green, green, or gray-green color, and some species have white or other colors of markings.
Known as the royal Agave this desirable small Agave forms a dense rosette of hard triangular leaves with silvery-white markings and black needles. Slow growing. Fantastic container specimen. Keep dry in the winter. Sun. Evergreen. Protect from frost.
Agave plants have a slow growth rate and are best planted in the spring or early fall, though houseplants typically can be started indoors year-round. If you're growing agave as a houseplant, be sure to select one of the smaller species unless you have the space for a very large plant. It can take several years or even decades for agave plants to mature, and they can live for many decades overall. For the most part, agave plants only flower at the end of their lifespan.