Philodendron "Rojo Congo"
Approx $24.99 USD
Philodendron “Rojo Congo” is a unique cultivar hybridized in Florida, in keeping with the growing trend amongst home gardeners for tropical aroids suitable for indoor growing. They are very attractive plants adding a touch of luxury, and a dash of the exotic to the indoor space.
Philodendron “Rojo Congo” is a cross between Philodendron ”Imperial Red” and Philodendron Tatei. It is a self-supporting self header so you won’t have to support this plant with stakes or add an ungainly moss pole to creep on. It stands in a lovely rosette formation with its erect oval leaves of burgundy green color.
Note that the plant can be toxic to pets. Given how easy maintenance Philodendron “Rojo Congo” care really is, even newbies can handle this plant with some guidance.
• Light: Low to bright, indirect light
• Water: Water when the top few centimeters of soil dry out
• Considerations: Philodendrons are exotic tropical plants and therefore prefer humid environments. Misting them
regularly (about once a week) can help to encourage these humid environments, which may accelerate growth.
You'll get a healthy Philodendron Rojo Congo that meets our rigorous quality standards in a 12cm nursery pot, other planters are sold separately. No two plants are alike, and yours will have its own unique shape, size, and personality; expect this natural variation from the photos.