Philodendron Goldeii
Approx $43.74 USD
Philodendron Goeldii is also known as Finger Leaf or haha FUN BUN that belongs to the family Thaumatophyllum Spruceanum. Philodendron Goeldii is a gorgeous plant that has star-shaped leaves that create a tropical impression to any home
Second images depicts mature leaf form once it is no longer juvenile
Philodendron Goldeii Care:
Philodendron Goeldii requires moderate sunlight that falls indirectly.
Likes to stay a little bit more damp than most philodendron, we recommend watering once half pot of soil is dry.
You will receive a healthy Philodendron Goldeii in a 14-16cm nursery pot.that meets our rigorous quality standards.
All plants have unique markings and size no two are the same