Peperomia albovittata 'Piccolo Banda'
Approx $24.51 USD
Peperomia is a large genus of mostly small, epiphytic plants that grow on rotting wood in tropical & subtropical regions of the world! Most Peperomia have thick stems, fleshy leaves, & very thin, fibrous roots.
~Do Not let Peperomia sit in excess water. As epiphytes, in the wild they would be growing on tree trunks or branches in the forest understory where they would get most of their water just from dew or moisture in the air.
~Do Not place in full sun or high light. In the wild Peperomia are tropical understory or forest floor plants. This means they grow best in bright shade to low light conditions.
~Peperomia will form inflorescences when happy but unless you are trying to self-pollinate, they can be removed to conserve energy for foliage production.