Nepenthes alata "pitcher plant"
Approx $24.83 USD
Nepenthes alata is a tropical pitcher plant endemic to the Philippines. Like all pitcher plants, it is carnivorous and uses its nectar to attract insects that drown in the pitcher and are digested by the plant. It is highly polymorphic, and its taxonomy continues to be subject to revisions.
Refrain from touching the plant – no matter how tempted you may be! These carnivorous plants use a lot of energy when they detect something has fallen into their trap. Do not fertilise the plant. This may burn the plant, or even kill it!
• Light: Prefers strong, direct sunlight
• Water: Keep the soil moist at all times. Once the top layer feels dry, it is time to water again. Water
thoroughly until it comes out of the drainage, and empty excess water out of the saucer. Mist daily or a few times a week. The pitchers
should always have some water in them to prevent the ends from turning brown and crispy
• Considerations: the Sarracenia can handle temperatures as low as -5C
You'll get a healthy Nepenthes alata that meets our rigorous quality standards in a 12cm nursery pot, other planters are sold separately. No two plants are alike, and yours will have its own unique shape, size, and personality; expect this natural variation from the photos.