Hoya mitrata
Approx $18.68 USD
Hoya mitrata like many Hoya may develop purple spots or streaks on the undersides of the leaves. This is completely natural and normal and sometimes the entire underside of the leaf can turn purple. This is not disease and is actually a sign that the plant is healthy. [See the photo for example].

Hoyas are mostly epiphytic creeping, twining or vining plants that have a vast array of different leaf shapes, sizes, textures & colors! If provided with the desired conditions Hoyas can bloom, their flowers varying widely species-to-species with many different colors, sizes & even scents!
~Do Not let Hoya sit in excess water. As epiphytes, in the wild they would be growing on tree trunks or branches in the forest understory where they would get most of their water just from dew or moisture in the air.
~Hoya are considerably hardy & tolerant of a wide range of growing conditions, but for the best growth it is recommended to provide higher levels of humidity.
~Do Not remove the peduncles [flower stalks] after your Hoya has finished flowering. Hoya are able to rebloom again & again from the same peduncle!
~Feed regularly during the growing season with a low nitrogen fertilizer containing sufficient amounts of phosphorous and potassium.