Electric Piano Drum USB IN-OUT MIDI Interface Converter/Adapter For PC Music Keyboard Synth Adapter Windows IOS 2M/78.74inch
$69.99 AUD
Approx $43.25 USD
Approx $43.25 USD
Shape: RoundConnector Gender: Male-to-femaleEthernet Cable Category: Cat 5eBrand: LanlisonItem
ID: YX39424CopyFunction: The MIDI cable is essentially a data link between the MIDI instrument and the PC. Plays MIDI input signal
by MIDI keyboard; through this MIDI cable, implements MIDI to USB so as to achieve the editing of music on the computer.Instructions: 1.
Connect the cable marked IN to the MIDI OUT socket of a MIDI keyboard (or MIDI device). 2. Connect the cable marked OUT to the MIDI IN
socket of a MIDI keyboard (or MIDI device). 3. Plug the USB cable into any free USB socket on your computer; LED indicates power on. 4. Open
your music software program, e.g. Cubase, Sonar, MIDI Connections, etc. 5. Set the music programs MIDI in and MIDI out devices to USB Audio Device.6. Your USB-to-MIDI interface is now ready for use. 7. To save potential problems, it is recommended that this interface is always connected to
the same SUB as it was originally installed on USB to prevent multiple installations of the driver.