Cordyline Terminalis "Chocolate Queen"
$39.99 AUD
Approx $24.91 USD
Approx $24.91 USD
Familiarly known as ti plant, Cordyline terminalis is a tropical stunner with large leaves ranging in color from variegated pale pinks and
greens to purple or deep red, depending on the species. Native to the tropical climates of Hawaii and other Pacific islands, New Guinea and
parts of Asia, the Cordyline ‘Chocolate Queen’ displays broad chocolate leaves with center streaks of purple, red and bronze edged in creamy
yellow. An upright shrub creating a lush tropical look. Ti plants are easy to grow in large planters or pots. Plant in well-drained,
humus-rich soil with moderate watering. PLANT CARE• Light: Full sun for best coloring• Water: Water when the top few centimeters of soil
dries out• Considerations: It prefers warm, moist conditions WHAT TO EXPECTYou'll get a healthy Cordyline terminalis that meets our rigorous
quality standards in a 15cm nursery pot, other planters are sold separately. No two plants are alike, and yours will have its own unique
shape, size, and personality; expect this natural variation from the photos.