Aglaonema Eileen
Approx $24.99 USD
The Aglaonema commutatum Eileen also known as the Chinese Evergreen has broad lanceolate to ovate cream leaves speckled with green. Most of the time the leaves are tinged with pink on the upper surface. In China this plant is considered to bring good luck.
USES: Ideal container plant for a shaded patio or indoors in a well lit room. Suited to underplanting in tropical style gardens
PLANTING: Plant in a shady spot with indirect sunlight and regular irrigation. Prefers free draining soil or a good quality potting mix.
CARE: Water regularly during the first 12 weeks and only if soil seems dry once established. Apply a slow release fertiliser yearly and liquid feed every three months for loads of vibrant foliage. Pruning isn’t required, simply remove the old leaves for a quick tidy up – but wash hands aterwards as sap can be irritating to skin.
Leafy glossy foliage plant from shady tropical Asian forests. Leaves are heavily patterned with cream on green with an occasional splash of pink